Oh the Glory of Podcasting Once Again

Check out Dimebag when he was a youngin, absolutely amazing. It makes a guitarist want to either play until their hand falls off, or just quit. |
Ok ok, I decided to take an early Thanksgiving vacation, thinking I would be able to relax at my folk’s house, and get some quality posting in. Little did I know, their internet connection was recently disconnected, and I was stuck in smallville Minnesota without a way to update my blog. So I figured the best thing I could do would be to sit down with a notebook and write out my soon to be blog entries, along with writing and remembering guitar licks so that I could put a few more Rockin Recordings and Podcasts up. So they have all built up over the week, and now that I am back to technology I can transfer them from my notebook to here, sorry if it is a few too many posts at once, but there is no other way man!